

  • Description: Use AI Astrology to uncover the meaning behind your charts and get insights you can actually use.

  • Monthly Visits: 575.3K
  • Collection Time: 2025-02-16

Basic Traffic Data

Monthly Visits: 575.3K
Bounce Rate: 56.62%
Pages Per Visit: 2.04
Avg Visit Duration: 00:02:31

Monthly Visit Top Country

United States: 34.37%
India: 10.8%
France: 4.45%
Singapore: 3.81%

Top Country Traffic Analysis

Country Page Views Bounce Rate Average Pages per Visit Average Visit Duration
United States: 197.7K 67.85% 1.66 2.1 minutes
India: 62.1K 32.02% 3.01 4.3 minutes
France: 25.6K 76.38% 1.68 2.1 minutes
Singapore: 21.9K 31.72% 4.26 14.3 minutes

Monthly Traffic Source Analysis