Top Android AI Apps by Category

AI App Tools Ranking

Explore Android AI applications by category to find the ideal tool for your needs


Rank Description Downloads Growth Growth Rate Monthly Active Users Monthly Income
1 197,001 34,036 +20.9% 180,000 $19,999
Talkpal - AI Language Learning
49,996 -7,058 -12.4% 13,000 $81,001
Merlin AI: Ask, Chat, Write
20,156 -32,380 -61.6% 34,000 $9,314
4 16,446 11,369 +223.9% 66 $233
5 12,001 -6,223 -34.1% 399 $6,000
6 2,002 267 +15.4% 3,000 $15,000
7 2,002 -1,822 -47.6% - $121
8 2,000 -2,635 -56.9% 4,000 $3,003
9 2,000 1,999 +199900.0% - $999
10 2,000 -2,188 -52.2% 1,000 $3,000